Healthwatch Suffolk

Healthwatch Suffolk can help you to get the best out of health and social care services in Suffolk; improving them today and helping to shape them for tomorrow. We are working with Healthwatch Suffolk to understand more about our patients’ experiences by inviting their team to speak with patients in the surgery. You can also feedback about our service, and all other local NHS and social care services, on the Healthwatch Suffolk Feedback Centre.

Healthwatch Suffolk also provides an information and signposting service to the public about accessing health and social care services. You can call the team on freephone 0800 448 8234 for information about local services and signposting to help and support for your health, care or wellbeing. Visit the Healthwatch Suffolk website for more information and to sign up for updates about shaping health and social care services in Suffolk.

The Suffolk COVID-19 Experience Survey

Healthwatch Suffolk is working with partners and people across health and care to host a short survey about your experiences of services during the coronavirus pandemic, and your feedback will be used to shape and inform the response to COVID-19 in Suffolk. This is also a brilliant way to say thank you to services if you have had a good experience.

Please visit to take part now. If you need support to complete the survey, please contact Healthwatch Suffolk on freephone 0800 448 8234.