Clinics and Services

Clinics and Services

We provide a range of services and clinics.

All Services

Antenatal -Booking in with a midwife

You will need to register with a midwifery team who will look after you and your baby throughout your pregnancy. […]

Baby Immunisation Clinic

Our Practice Nurses run an Immunisation Baby Clinic on Wednesday mornings, by appointment only. The Health Visiting Team hold two clinics each […]

Enhanced Access – Evening and weekend appointments

Can’t make daytime appointments? Patients at our practice are able to book evening and weekend appointments. If you are registered […]

Family Planning

The Practice provides a full range of family planning services. Most of our Nurses are trained in giving contraceptive advice. […]

Joint Injections

A number of our doctors can offer steroid joint injections, these are given to help reduce pain and swelling, and […]

Long Term Condition Clinics

If you have a long term condition such as diabetes, asthma or chronic heart disease, you can submit your review online.

Minor Injury

Beccles Medical Centre Minor Injury service (MI) provides treatment for less serious injuries less than 48 hours old, that would typically […]

NHS Health Checks

The Practice offers health checks under the national NHS scheme to help prevent the onset of specific health problems. Everyone […]

Non-NHS Work

Charges are made for non NHS services such as private certificates, insurance claim reports, etc. All fees are payable in […]

Social Prescribing – Social Connections

Social Prescribing (known locally as Social Connections) enables your GP, Nurse or other Healthcare Professional to refer you to a […]

Test Results

Beccles Medical Centre offers a phlebotomy service which is held in Caxton Villa. To book an appointment for your requested […]

Travel Clinic

Comprehensive travel advice and/or vaccinations can be provided at the Surgery by a member of our practice nursing team. Please […]